Latest Shorts

Marionette teaser

January 7, 2014 > Trailers

Amir Porat (Cycle) and Assaf Karass have published a teaser for the short film they produced while studying at...

Space Cat Hob trailer

January 7, 2014 > Trailers

Concept artist and filmmaker Loïc Bramoullé has posted a trailer for his upcoming short Space Cat Hob, which looks...


Experimental1MINby Amir Porat, Mor Israeli

An interesting experimental short that plays with cycling motions.

Under The Fold

Drama, Fantasy8MINby Juhl Nielsen, Andersen Dolmer, Rask, Mai Olsen, Lee Bresling, Agerskov Frandsen, Vind Mortensen

Frank struggles to find a job in streets filled with unemployed workers. Along the way he is accompanied by his son’s imagination and joy.


Action, Crime, Experimental16MINby François Alaux, Hervé de Crécy, Ludovic Houplain

Marketing, branding and logos are the main subjects of this unique film, presented in the form of an energetic action story.