
"A provocative split-screen exploration of Earth's origins."

Age: 13+

Duelity is a short film by Ryan Uhrich and Marcos Ceravolo that presents evolution and creationism side by side, creating a special contrast by exchanging the type of language used to explain them. It was created as a split-screen project in which two audiovisual pieces debate with each other. The authors thought that these kinds of arguments usually lead to debates in which people usually don’t listen, so they decided to add a twist. Each side’s argument is portrayed using the language of the other side.

Duelity provides a great example of how aesthetic styles, iconography, sound and language can be used to set expectations and create contrast and contradictions. The animation style is heavily influenced by motion graphics, combining 2D and 3D elements. There are no characters or conflicts defined in the traditional sense, but the film’s progression is driven by the interaction of the two pieces, and due to the subject treated, creates some kind of narrative tension.


Interview with the directors

Interview with the directors by Director's Notes (audio recording) + making of materials


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